William Powers and Katie Couric

What a great way to help kick-off the new Paper Notes In A Digital World. This is an excellent Katie Couric interview with William Powers, author of the new book, “Hamlet’s Blackberry.” The book, which I have read and will be posting a full review very soon, is a wonderful look at the need for digital balance. I have read many books that are a bit similar, but I especially like this one because it is practical as it doesn’t take an all-or-nothing approach. This interview is almost 30 minutes and worth watching every minute. I can promise you that you will not be able to watch this and not want to delve further into the subject in, “Hamlet’s Blackberry.” Great read for anybody that likes the philosophy of Paper Notes In A Digital World.

On a side note, I have not thought highly of the idea floating around of Couric replacing Larry King, until I watched this. She might be the perfect replacement. With whispers that Couric might not be at CBS much longer, I take the CNN talk seriously.

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