The Return Of Paper Notes!

It is with great excitement that I am relaunching Paper Notes In A Digital World. The best posts from the old blog have been saved and moved to the new site with the tag “ArchivedSite.” The only posts I didn’t move over were posts that were simple pointers to a link that no longer exists, posts that were based on no-longer-existing sites, and posts that were more of a strictly personal nature.

I plan to do much the same as before, with one exception. I will not allow the “digital world” to become such a burden that I feel I have to write every day, every whatever. In fact, I have never stopped writing, I just stopped writing on the blog. I have always kept my journal and I keep a notebook that’s a collection of many things — all on paper. When I began Paper Notes in 2005 the digital landscape was much different than it is today. I think that there are now many more avenues to explore and a larger community of like thinkers that will keep things more interesting. I plan to give the blog sixty days of attention and decide if it holds the interest that I think it might.

Thanks to those who have stayed in touch, encouraged me, and been a part of the cause of digital balance at other blogs, forums and places where sometimes our ideas have seemed odd and out-of-step with the growth of Social Media. Now, we use those same tools to help others find productivity, peace, simplicity, and growth without feeling that it must all be shared online at the expense of privacy, serenity, and “real-life” connectivity that’s right outside our front doors. Okay, you can take the (admittedly fun) gadgets outside these days as well, but you get the idea.

If you’re new to Paper Notes In A Digital World, feel free to browse around the archives and read the old posts to get a feeling for my interests and an idea of things to come.

I’m really looking forward to this! I hope you subscribe and join in with comments. (Click the bubble in the upper right to comment) Oh, I have to sheepishly tell you that I have a….uh….have a…. Tw….Twit….IHaveATwitterAccount (!) that I’ll use to tweet new post info, short tidbits, etc.

Welcome to the new Paper Notes!

Ideas. Books. Journals. Notebooks. Simplicity. Thought. Pens. Pencils. Writing. Paper Notes In A Digital World.

Mike Swickey

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